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No matter how you ended up on our site, we're glad you're here and appreciate the opportunity to let you know a little more about us. 

We welcome you to come and share in the excitement of being a part of the church family at Canton First. You will find the people here warm and receptive, as well as eager to be the extended body of Christ to the community around us.

Our mission is to engage people from all over the area to unite in worship and grow in relationship with Christ while telling the powerful message of the love that Christ has for us. A love that caused Him to die on the cross for our sin; that gives hope through the power of the resurrection; that sets in motion our passion to live for Him.

Whether you are new to the area or in search of a new church home, Canton First has many programs and activities in place that serve the entire family and provide numerous opportunities for involvement in various ministries.

This web site offers just a glimpse of the lifeline of Canton First. Our Church is about connecting people to Christ and in relationship with each other.




I have never been to church, can I just walk in?

Yes, our services start at 10:55am or 6pm and there is always someone at the door to welcome you. The church meets upstairs in the building, just ask someone to show you the way.

How long is the service?

It’s usually no longer than an hour.

What should I expect?

There is are musicians, a choir, and worship leaders who will lead the singing (you don’t have to sing), we read from the Bible, share church news, pray together and listen to God’s word (a sermon) by the minister.  Words are projected on the screens on the front wall for both the songs and scriptures. Hymn Books and Bibles are also available in the pew if that is what you prefer. Greeters are available in the parking areas and the entryways of the sanctuary and educational areas to assist you and give you directions.  

What do I wear?

You don't have to wear a suit and tie (unless you want to), you can wear jeans & T-shirt if you wish. You will be welcomed whether smartly or casually dressed. The dress code at our church is about comfort. You're here to worship the Lord. A suit & tie is just as acceptable as a t-shirt & jeans.

I’ve just moved here and I’m looking for a church to join, what’s your church like?

We offer many different ministries, whether you're single, married, have kids or are celebrating an empty nest. Check out the the ministries of Canton First here.

How can I get involved?

If you decide to come to one of our Sunday services, be sure to stick around for a few minutes to meet our Pastor. 

We offer many small study groups, activity groups, age and interest groups, and mission groups for all ages throughout the week and on Sunday that are open to newcomers.

Please accept our personal invitation to you and your family to join us as we share in the life changing impact of scripture and the life changing influence of being a true follower of Jesus Christ.

We hope to see you soon!