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WEEKLY ACTIVITIES (also check the current Bulletin for weekly happenings)


10:00  Sunday School for all ages (various classrooms)
11:00 Worship for all ages 


6:00  Adult Bible Study & Prayer & Study (Fellowship Hall)
7:00  Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

SMALL GROUPS: Meet at various days and times. 
Nursery and Childcare is available for all of these and some of the small groups. Call ahead to register. 

The church office is open 9am to 2pm Monday through Thursday.


SERVICE & PROGRAM CHANGES DUE TO WEATHER, SNOW, OR ICY CONDITIONS WILL BE POSTED AS SOON AS KNOWN. In the event of inclement weather on Sunday please DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DRIVE, PARK, OR WALK IN ICY AREAS. CONSIDER SAFETY FIRST! If you are uncertain about church services, please contact your Family Deacon BEFORE you leave home. Changes will be announced as soon as possible and available at these places: www,, email lists, Church Facebook, WPTL radio,  WLOS website:, or WLOS-TV Station 13. Your Family Deacon will be notified and will have service information when services are postponed. When possible a phone call and email will be sent out to those on the CFBC Top News email list. 

 During a weather event there will be no Sunday School, only an INFORMAL Worship Service for those who are able to safely attend. Changes will be announced through the Deacons, website, email, facebook, and WLOS and One Call as time allows.  


           If weather conditions appear that require cancellations, the above media will be notified.  If school is closed or dismissed on a weekday or Wednesday, then all activities are postponed. The church office is closed, delayed, or dismissed when school is closed, delayed, or dismissed early due to inclement weather.